Wednesday, June 6, 2007


I just came back from a professional development workshop on bookmaking. It was held at the Metrowest Regional Library Systems office and it was pretty cool. Ok, very cool. The instructor was Carol Kelly and her passion for bookmaking was infectious! Anyone in the Boston area interested in bookmaking and learning basic books, I highly recommend her workshops, classes, courses, etc. She was awesome.

Carol taught us how to create Starburst, Accordings, some simple binding techniques, and a Dose-e-Doe. All sound as complicated as than they are- I was surprise how simple some of these books are with a little patience. Even more, how easy it could be for children as young as kindergarten to create their own book using one of thse techniques. I walked away from this workshop with at least two lesson plans for next year.

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This is an example of an letter book. Inside there are a couple of pages glued to the square part of the envelope.

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The pages are sewn together using signature stitch.

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