Monday, August 18, 2008


Shameful on how I have been maintaining this blog. Here is what happened-

I got a new job as a LMS in the Revere Public Schools. It is an almost brand new library and I was there 1st professional librarian. It was in good shape but it still took a lot of time in setting up and establishing a routine with the students and staff (all very successful and worth the hard work).

Then to help supplement my collection (at school not at home) I started to write reviews for Susan Babb's and NRMLS Book Review blog. That took sometime too.

And did I mention that through out this I was pregnant. Yup- I had my little boy Logan at the end of June. He is amazing and he loves libraries and reading.

So finally I am back to my normal routine (it only took a year) so I promise to be more faithful to the Young Adult Librarian blog.

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