Thursday, March 8, 2007

This Ain't a Scene- it's a music video

Music Video Review: Fall out Boy This Ain't a Scene...

For give me for I do not have cable, thus no MTV. All my music video watching is done via YouTube. I was watching American Idol tonight and I saw the Verizon V-Cast commerical at least 20 times with the body builder rocking out to Fall Out Boy's latest single, which I love. The commerical made me curious to see what take the group took on the music video. The result is something that I am pretty please with.

If you loved Blink 182's video for All the Small Things then you'll appreciate FOB's This Ain't a Scene... . THe video is loaded with satire- from celebrity naughty pictures taken with cell phones, da hood, and an amazing rocking funeral. It makes me see past FOB's image as a teeny popper / emo / wanna be punk to a more sophisticated style that young adults should appreciate.

To view the video for free- you can go to YouTube ( or it can be purchase through ITunes.

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Apologizes and Book Review

Book Review:
Rachel Cohen's Cupcake

A thousand pardons. The end of the February was busy. American Idol just started back up again (finally) and for those who may not know it yet, I got married in January and our work is still not done. I have to change over my last name (which is now Cerasale-Messina) and that takes up a lot of time.

I did find some time for some readings- Rachel Cohn's Cucake . Cucake is the third book in the Cyd Charisse series. Fresh out of alternative high school and on a clean break with surfer boyfriend, Shrimp, Cyd, aka CeeCee, aka Dollface finds hersef far away from her beloved San Francisco and in the city that never sleeps. There she finds herself getting to know her "biofamily" and trying effortlessly to break into the cupcake industry. Cyd is not alone in her adventure- she has some old friends (including half brother and roommate Danny) as well as some new (straight edge boss Mold). Cyd slowly eases herself into the Big Apple and when she finally begins as if she feels at home, Shrimp reappears.

Truth- Cucake is spunky enough to make me want to go out and dye my hair black with blue highlights, it still lacks a certain spark that I adored in the first Cyd Charisse book ( Gingerbread ). More and more I feel Cyd is more like a modern day Weeztie Bat- a modern day fairy tale for young adults. Gingerbread seem more "real." I could identify more with Cyd, her problems, and rebellions. However- she came off as more spoiled, princess, diva like. In her previous books Cyd came off as more down to earth while in Cupcake she just seem unattainable.