Monday, July 23, 2007
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
I just finished the last Harry Potter and was very pleased with it. This is not really a review because I do not want to give anything away but I will stress this one thing- this is not a children's book. It is definitely a young adult book.
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Cheap new books and furry friends
Looking to enhance your stuff animal collection? Want cheap, new books? Kohl's runs a promotion entitled "Kohl's cares for kids" (very cheesey but wait) and each season they feature a children's book which one can purchase for only $5. I am not talking about some softcover, special "Kohl's" edition book; it is the real deal hardcover. Five dollars!!!!! Not bad. But wait, there is more. They also feature one or two fuzzy friends to accompany the book. Those are also $5. It changes each season. For the spring, Kohl's is featuring the Mark Teague series of "Dear Mrs. LaRue." You can purchase the two Mrs. LaRue picture books (remember, they are the hardcovers) and two stuff dogs from that series all for $20. They make a great addition to any library or classroom.
To learn more about "Kohl's care for Kids" campaign, visit their web site :
To learn more about "Kohl's care for Kids" campaign, visit their web site :
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Book Review: Today I Will Fly
Book Review:
Mo Willem's Today I Will Fly!
Today I Will Fly! is part of the Elephant & Piggie series. Written for primary age students- Elephant sees everything "half empty" while Piggie is more of a "half full" animal. In this addition- Piggie is insisting that he will fly. Elephant begs to differ. Simple text and simple illustrations help portray Piggie's plight.
Truth: I love Mo Willems! He is a Russell Crowe among children's authors (he's a babe!). So it will be no surprise that I adore Today I Will Fly. It is perfect for a read out loud and ideal for beginning readers to practice.
Oh, and I have been adding more to my "Catalog". Please check out my "library thing" :
Come on- I dare you.
Mo Willem's Today I Will Fly!
Today I Will Fly! is part of the Elephant & Piggie series. Written for primary age students- Elephant sees everything "half empty" while Piggie is more of a "half full" animal. In this addition- Piggie is insisting that he will fly. Elephant begs to differ. Simple text and simple illustrations help portray Piggie's plight.
Truth: I love Mo Willems! He is a Russell Crowe among children's authors (he's a babe!). So it will be no surprise that I adore Today I Will Fly. It is perfect for a read out loud and ideal for beginning readers to practice.
Oh, and I have been adding more to my "Catalog". Please check out my "library thing" :
Come on- I dare you.
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Book Review: The Virtual Life of Lexie Diamond.
Book Review:
Victoria Foyt's The Virtual Life of Lexie Diamond
Lexie Diamond is a middle school outcast. More comfortable with her Mac, she prefers the company of her online friend "webrider" then the so called "Barbie Dolls." To get her mom off her back, Lexie lies and said she is the President of the Virtual Computer Club at school (she is really just the treasurer). Then her mom is tragically killed in a hit and run. Lexie finds even more solace in her computer. One afternoon, Lexie finds her mother in cyberspace. Her mother gives her clues about her killer- Lexie's father's new girlfriend Jane. Can Lexie convince her father that her mother's spirit visits her via Internet? With the help of some unlikely new friends- Zoe, the popular fashionista (and real President of the Virtuaal Computer Club), and Wilson, cute slaker skater boy- Lexie may just stop her father from making a big mistake.
Truth- Very cheesey sci-fi novel. Everything is resolve into a neat little package (hope that does not ruin the end for anyone). The computer and tech terms are very outdated- almost as if Lexie is a 40 year old woman and not a 14 year old girl (which is not a slight at the author who may or may not be 40). The book jacket flap is somewhat misleading: states that Lexie father's suddenly starts dating after her mom's death; he doesn't start dating Jane until 6 months after the hit and run. There are also these where montages that do not hit the story. Quick read though.
Victoria Foyt's The Virtual Life of Lexie Diamond
Lexie Diamond is a middle school outcast. More comfortable with her Mac, she prefers the company of her online friend "webrider" then the so called "Barbie Dolls." To get her mom off her back, Lexie lies and said she is the President of the Virtual Computer Club at school (she is really just the treasurer). Then her mom is tragically killed in a hit and run. Lexie finds even more solace in her computer. One afternoon, Lexie finds her mother in cyberspace. Her mother gives her clues about her killer- Lexie's father's new girlfriend Jane. Can Lexie convince her father that her mother's spirit visits her via Internet? With the help of some unlikely new friends- Zoe, the popular fashionista (and real President of the Virtuaal Computer Club), and Wilson, cute slaker skater boy- Lexie may just stop her father from making a big mistake.
Truth- Very cheesey sci-fi novel. Everything is resolve into a neat little package (hope that does not ruin the end for anyone). The computer and tech terms are very outdated- almost as if Lexie is a 40 year old woman and not a 14 year old girl (which is not a slight at the author who may or may not be 40). The book jacket flap is somewhat misleading: states that Lexie father's suddenly starts dating after her mom's death; he doesn't start dating Jane until 6 months after the hit and run. There are also these where montages that do not hit the story. Quick read though.
Wednesday, June 6, 2007
I just came back from a professional development workshop on bookmaking. It was held at the Metrowest Regional Library Systems office and it was pretty cool. Ok, very cool. The instructor was Carol Kelly and her passion for bookmaking was infectious! Anyone in the Boston area interested in bookmaking and learning basic books, I highly recommend her workshops, classes, courses, etc. She was awesome.
Carol taught us how to create Starburst, Accordings, some simple binding techniques, and a Dose-e-Doe. All sound as complicated as than they are- I was surprise how simple some of these books are with a little patience. Even more, how easy it could be for children as young as kindergarten to create their own book using one of thse techniques. I walked away from this workshop with at least two lesson plans for next year.

This is an example of an letter book. Inside there are a couple of pages glued to the square part of the envelope.

The pages are sewn together using signature stitch.
Carol taught us how to create Starburst, Accordings, some simple binding techniques, and a Dose-e-Doe. All sound as complicated as than they are- I was surprise how simple some of these books are with a little patience. Even more, how easy it could be for children as young as kindergarten to create their own book using one of thse techniques. I walked away from this workshop with at least two lesson plans for next year.
This is an example of an letter book. Inside there are a couple of pages glued to the square part of the envelope.
The pages are sewn together using signature stitch.
Sunday, April 29, 2007
Frappr map
While checking my google alerts today, I received a link for Frappr Map. You can customize map locations then post them to the blog of your choice. I tried it out for myself and that it to be at first another socialization tool for mid-20 somethings for like your's truely. Frappr works by typing in a city and state (or country) and the site creates a map pin pointing the send location. Ideally its for friends to create maps to show how they are in location to one and another. However, the more I thought about it, the more Frappr could be used as a tool for a class project.
For example, one could use Frappr to create a map of Napoleon's 1812 campaign. A student can create a blog writing about the soldiers experience then log onto Frappr to create a map showing the different battlefields. This could be use with ELA blogs as well. Want to show the different cities andd countries of Hemingway's writing, create a Frappr map.
Frappr does not have the graphics of Google Earth. It's zoom in function does need some work (I tried zooming into Salem, and found my city to be in the Atlantic Ocean). The map itself does have a crude computer graphic quality to it. However, if you are using Frappr for a mere representation, it does the trick.
Monday, April 16, 2007
Library Thing
Have you always wanted your own personal library- complete with online catalog- or OPAC as we librarians refer to it? Well now you can! Library Thing ( is a service that allows post what books you have in your library.
The service is free for up to 200 books, however for a mere $25 you can post as many books as you like for a life time. The process in which you input your information is easy, just type in the title of your book, select your edition, and them click on the title to add to your library. The book entry includes its MARC record from the Library of Congress, the cover art (if available), the number of Library Thing members that also own the book, and a link to World Cat to show other near by libraries that circulate the book. Members can also write their own reviews of the book. And, if you do not like a book- you can "Unsuggest" it.
I have worked in a library where there was no public access OPAC and it is frustrating to not have that sort of information available for patrons. For a school library where there not be an OPAC, Library Thing can be a helpful to for library media specialist, school staff, and students. This will allow lms an opportunity to have a public access catalog and it is relatively easy to maintain. An ideal volunteer project for Library volunteers and students.
Please feel free to investigate what is in my personal library (please keep in mind that it is a new tool for me and I just starting inputting books):
The service is free for up to 200 books, however for a mere $25 you can post as many books as you like for a life time. The process in which you input your information is easy, just type in the title of your book, select your edition, and them click on the title to add to your library. The book entry includes its MARC record from the Library of Congress, the cover art (if available), the number of Library Thing members that also own the book, and a link to World Cat to show other near by libraries that circulate the book. Members can also write their own reviews of the book. And, if you do not like a book- you can "Unsuggest" it.
I have worked in a library where there was no public access OPAC and it is frustrating to not have that sort of information available for patrons. For a school library where there not be an OPAC, Library Thing can be a helpful to for library media specialist, school staff, and students. This will allow lms an opportunity to have a public access catalog and it is relatively easy to maintain. An ideal volunteer project for Library volunteers and students.
Please feel free to investigate what is in my personal library (please keep in mind that it is a new tool for me and I just starting inputting books):
Thursday, March 8, 2007
This Ain't a Scene- it's a music video
Music Video Review: Fall out Boy This Ain't a Scene...
For give me for I do not have cable, thus no MTV. All my music video watching is done via YouTube. I was watching American Idol tonight and I saw the Verizon V-Cast commerical at least 20 times with the body builder rocking out to Fall Out Boy's latest single, which I love. The commerical made me curious to see what take the group took on the music video. The result is something that I am pretty please with.
If you loved Blink 182's video for All the Small Things then you'll appreciate FOB's This Ain't a Scene... . THe video is loaded with satire- from celebrity naughty pictures taken with cell phones, da hood, and an amazing rocking funeral. It makes me see past FOB's image as a teeny popper / emo / wanna be punk to a more sophisticated style that young adults should appreciate.
To view the video for free- you can go to YouTube ( or it can be purchase through ITunes.
For give me for I do not have cable, thus no MTV. All my music video watching is done via YouTube. I was watching American Idol tonight and I saw the Verizon V-Cast commerical at least 20 times with the body builder rocking out to Fall Out Boy's latest single, which I love. The commerical made me curious to see what take the group took on the music video. The result is something that I am pretty please with.
If you loved Blink 182's video for
To view the video for free- you can go to YouTube ( or it can be purchase through ITunes.
Wednesday, March 7, 2007
Apologizes and Book Review
Book Review:
Rachel Cohen's Cupcake
A thousand pardons. The end of the February was busy. American Idol just started back up again (finally) and for those who may not know it yet, I got married in January and our work is still not done. I have to change over my last name (which is now Cerasale-Messina) and that takes up a lot of time.
I did find some time for some readings- Rachel Cohn's Cucake . Cucake is the third book in the Cyd Charisse series. Fresh out of alternative high school and on a clean break with surfer boyfriend, Shrimp, Cyd, aka CeeCee, aka Dollface finds hersef far away from her beloved San Francisco and in the city that never sleeps. There she finds herself getting to know her "biofamily" and trying effortlessly to break into the cupcake industry. Cyd is not alone in her adventure- she has some old friends (including half brother and roommate Danny) as well as some new (straight edge boss Mold). Cyd slowly eases herself into the Big Apple and when she finally begins as if she feels at home, Shrimp reappears.
Truth- Cucake is spunky enough to make me want to go out and dye my hair black with blue highlights, it still lacks a certain spark that I adored in the first Cyd Charisse book ( Gingerbread ). More and more I feel Cyd is more like a modern day Weeztie Bat- a modern day fairy tale for young adults. Gingerbread seem more "real." I could identify more with Cyd, her problems, and rebellions. However- she came off as more spoiled, princess, diva like. In her previous books Cyd came off as more down to earth while in Cupcake she just seem unattainable.
Rachel Cohen's Cupcake
A thousand pardons. The end of the February was busy. American Idol just started back up again (finally) and for those who may not know it yet, I got married in January and our work is still not done. I have to change over my last name (which is now Cerasale-Messina) and that takes up a lot of time.
I did find some time for some readings- Rachel Cohn's Cucake . Cucake is the third book in the Cyd Charisse series. Fresh out of alternative high school and on a clean break with surfer boyfriend, Shrimp, Cyd, aka CeeCee, aka Dollface finds hersef far away from her beloved San Francisco and in the city that never sleeps. There she finds herself getting to know her "biofamily" and trying effortlessly to break into the cupcake industry. Cyd is not alone in her adventure- she has some old friends (including half brother and roommate Danny) as well as some new (straight edge boss Mold). Cyd slowly eases herself into the Big Apple and when she finally begins as if she feels at home, Shrimp reappears.
Truth- Cucake is spunky enough to make me want to go out and dye my hair black with blue highlights, it still lacks a certain spark that I adored in the first Cyd Charisse book ( Gingerbread ). More and more I feel Cyd is more like a modern day Weeztie Bat- a modern day fairy tale for young adults. Gingerbread seem more "real." I could identify more with Cyd, her problems, and rebellions. However- she came off as more spoiled, princess, diva like. In her previous books Cyd came off as more down to earth while in Cupcake she just seem unattainable.
Monday, February 12, 2007
Help a friend of mine
My friend Laura, who is an amazing and creative educator, is working with her students on a math project involving surveys. Please help her students out by taking at least two minutes and filling out their surveys:
Tashima's survey on ipods
Carl's survey on video games
Tashima's survey on ipods
Carl's survey on video games
Why another blog Katie
Because I just love to Blog so much!
Seriously, this blog is for my professional interest and a great passion of mine- young adult library services. It amazes me the wealth of information teens have available to them. It kind of makes me jealous that they have so much (not like computers and the internet were not around ten years ago when I was 15, but come on- I had to wait until I was 22 to get an iPod). And do not get me started on the YA books being publish. Lucky I look so young, no one gives me a second glance when they see when wolfing down a Carolyn Mackler or Sarah Dressen on the T.
What I hope is that Library professionals (especially those that work in youth services) and educator can use this blog as a source of information about YA materials, sources, and what nots (I love the word whatnots). I love to review materials (including books, videogames, magazines, and web sites). Why not share my reviews with the world (or at least the library / education world). Anyone is more than welcome to comment (please try to make sure it is related to the post). Hope you enjoy what I have to share.
K :)
Seriously, this blog is for my professional interest and a great passion of mine- young adult library services. It amazes me the wealth of information teens have available to them. It kind of makes me jealous that they have so much (not like computers and the internet were not around ten years ago when I was 15, but come on- I had to wait until I was 22 to get an iPod). And do not get me started on the YA books being publish. Lucky I look so young, no one gives me a second glance when they see when wolfing down a Carolyn Mackler or Sarah Dressen on the T.
What I hope is that Library professionals (especially those that work in youth services) and educator can use this blog as a source of information about YA materials, sources, and what nots (I love the word whatnots). I love to review materials (including books, videogames, magazines, and web sites). Why not share my reviews with the world (or at least the library / education world). Anyone is more than welcome to comment (please try to make sure it is related to the post). Hope you enjoy what I have to share.
K :)
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